“How To Avoid Overcooking Google’s Score – An Overview On Keyword Density, Prominence and Frequency

In the context of search engine optimization (SEO), keyword density, prominence and frequency are particularly important with respect to a website’s ranking in the major search engines. These three terms are often confusing to website owners.
However, each one of them is extremely important to onsite optimization and if
you are able to implement them in the context of a web marketing strategy, you
may see a huge difference in your website’s ranking.

Keyword Density

Keyword density measures the number of times a keyword or a
keyword phrase appears within a web page against the total number of words on
this page. For instance, if a keyword occurs 4 times in a web page of 600
words, the keyword density of the web page is 0.0067, by dividing 4 by 600.
Keyword density is always calculated as a percentage of the total words on the
page, therefore 0.67%.

Generally, webmasters suggest that the preferred keyword
density ratio, although it is not the same in every search engine, ranges from
2% to 5%. The higher the keyword density, the higher the website’s visibility
in the search engine results pages (SERPS). Typically, webpages that have a
high keyword density are more likely to be ranked higher in the major search
engines. Also, a keyword that appears 4 times in a web page of 600 words has a
lower keyword density (0.67%) than a keyword that appears 5 times in a web page of similar length (0.83%).

In the context of search engine optimization (SEO), keyword density, prominence and frequency are particularly important with respect to a website’s ranking in the major search engines. These three terms are often confusing to website owners.  However, each one of them is extremely important to onsite optimization and if you are able to implement them in the context of a web marketing strategy, you may see a huge difference in your website’s ranking.

Keyword Prominence

Keyword prominence indicates how many significant keywords a
webpage contains. The more important keywords are typically placed near the
area that it is more relevant, anywhere at the top of the page, sentence, title
or Meta tag. Keyword prominence is critical to the major search engines, but
particularly to the directory search engines like Yahoo. In this case, placing
the keyword in the beginning of your website description may make a huge
difference in your website ranking in the rating systems.

 Overall, identifying and understanding the difference between
keyword density, prominence and frequency is the first step in developing a
keyword strategy and achieve effective SEO for your website. This will ensure
quality web content and high traffic levels that will be converted into sales.





Keyword Frequency

Keyword frequency measures the number of times a keyword or a
keyword phrase appears within a web page. The difference from keyword density
is that keyword frequency alone is not enough to rank a website high in the
major search engines. Even if a keyword is repeated too often, it needs to be
related to the webpage’s products and/or services because, otherwise, it will
look suspicious. This is why keyword density is important because it not only
shows how often a keyword is repeated in a webpage, but it also shows the
frequency in relation to the total number of words on the webpage. Therefore,
unlike keyword frequency, keyword density shows the relevance of the webpage to a particular keyword or keyword phrase.

4 responses to ““How To Avoid Overcooking Google’s Score – An Overview On Keyword Density, Prominence and Frequency

  1. Great information describing the differences and the value.

  2. Pingback: Great Questions Regarding Search Engines | Turbo Business Pro

  3. Pingback: How To get Targeted Traffic To Any Website In Any Niche | Real Traffic Source

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